Wednesday, July 23, 2014

We began our meeting this time with a rousing talk from Captain Raj. He had felt that we were all slacking in our duties and rightly so. After getting our priorities straight, we immediately went down and got to business, ensuring that we would not stumble from the correct path no longer.

Kawaii desu ne?

The first item on our agenda was to find a day where all members of this trip could meet without any problems. There was always someone missing from our previous meetings and we had to put a stop to it. Finally, we decided to hold our meetings every Friday evening. Let's hope we'll all be able to make it from now on!

Chung Kai laying the law

While we were in the midst of our discussion, we received a pleasant surprise. We had received the photos of 5 Japanese students whom we were going to spend time with at Oshima, with 3 more to come. こんにちは (Hello) Akito, Kosuke, Rintaro, Taiki and Yusuke! よろしくおねがいします (Please treat us well)

Clockwise from the middle : Yusuke, Rintaro, Taiki, Kosuke and Akito 

As per usual we ended our meeting with a group selfie. Doesn't it seem that we're in the same position as last week???

With that we adjourned. See you again next time!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

So we convened for our second meeting to discuss on the performance we were going to give at Oshima! Conflicted between staging a short skit, giving a dance or serenading them with a song, we decided on a mix of all 3! We ended the day with a group selfie of sorts

See you next time!

Sunday, July 6, 2014

So the students have been selected for the exchange trip to Oshima! They are

1. Chung Kai (Leader)
2. Jasper (2nd leader)
3. Xin Wei (Photographer)
4. Aqil (Blog writer i.e. Me :D)
5. Aung Win (Reflection writer)
6. Rasyad (IC of song)
7. Shin (IC of dance performance)
8. Quan Qi (Sports IC)

Well that's all for now, I'll update with photos of ourselves when we convene for our next meeting!

See ya soon!