Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Day 1 - 22 September to 23 September

Hello everyone!

Greetings from Oshima, Japan.

We met in Changi Airport T2 around 8pm on 22 September and was ready to take off from Singapore! We are a little sad to say goodbye to our family and friends as we were not going to see them for the next 7 days. However, we were all very excited!

All ready to set off! 

We took off from Singapore around 10:10pm and arrived at Tokyo Haneda around 6:30am for our transit flight. Many of us fell asleep during the flight while some enjoyed the inflight movies and spending time with friends.

Transiting in Tokyo Haneda Airport


We finally arrived at Ikuwani, Japan after 2 tiring flights and we are all glad that we have arrived Oshima safely! Doctor Park and some of the Japanese students came to pick us up from the airport and we head to the College for lunch and we settled down in our accommodation. After resting for a while, we head to the local drugstore to do some shopping for our necessities.