Sunday, April 21, 2013

Day 3 & 4

Day 3 (9 March, Saturday)

0800-0830: Breakfast
0900-1200: MEL Camp Briefing
1200-1300: Lunch (Walk around SP)
1300-1630: MEL Camp Briefing 
1630-2030: Free time at Chinatown, ION Orchard & Takashimaya
2030-2115: Travelling time to SP
2115-2200: Bonding Time-
                   Pack luggage
2200: Lights Out 

A picture of them participating in the briefing.

After the briefing, we went to Chinatown as it is one of the tourist attraction. When we were there, they requested to buy those SG T-shirts as souvenirs from Singapore for their friends, family and of course for themselves. We decided to bring them to ION Orchard so they would have a a feel on how Singapore shopping mall is like during evening time as it would be very crowded. 5/6 of the Oshima students are girls so when they were at ION Orchard, its SHOPPING TIME. They managed to purchase a few items like shoes and clothes. Smileys on their faces after the buys! :)

Day 4 (10 March, Sunday)    

0830-0930: Breakfast
1000: Leave SP for Habourfront 
1000-1130: Travelling time to Habourfront
1130-1200: Check in
1200: Leave for Star Cruise Virgo

Sunday was a short day. Sasi and Wenqi would be together with the Oshima students in the Star Cruise Virgo. So before the Oshima students left Singapore...

The 5 girls onboard Star Cruise Virgo, wearing the SG T-shirts they bought at Chinatown!

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