Thursday, April 24, 2014

Day 1 in Singapore

13 March 2014

Estimated arrival time at Changi Airport: 1530

1630: Left Changi Airport for SP Apartments
1715: Arrival, settling down
1815: Left SP Apartments for BBQ at Mr Naung's house
1845-2200: BBQ
2300: Lights out

Finally after half a year, we're going to meet our Japanese friends again! Things just went as usual, and there was no awkwardness as we knew almost every single Japanese students as they were with us last year too! For the exception of two, who were new, the rest were just like our old friends!
Also, for all of them, it was their first time leaving Japan!

Our plan today was a BBQ at Mr Naung's house, where they will get to learn something new in which Singaporeans always does, and thats BBQ! Its one of the way in which Singaporeans enjoy doing whenever there is a gathering!

Oshima students asking about the food!

Having a swim befor dinner!


SMA Oshima Group Photo!

Oshima Students :D



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