Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Day 6 in Oshima 2K16

Friday 07 October 2016

Marks the day where we sailed back to Oshima and doing our last duty on-board. Time pass fast when we were having fun and it's already Day 7 we in Oshima. The sadness in us was building up as our journey here is about to end

Shiva group doing anchorage duty
Leeway (Calculate the wind)

After reaching the Oshima port, we gathered at the meeting room to have our last briefing session and also shook hands with the Captain to receive our respective certificate of participation. It was indeed a good learning experience for each one of us. Appreciated the help from the crew too

Well done to us

Day 6 has ended so fast and tomorrow will be the last day we will be in Oshima. Too sad to leave this place with great memories. Hoping time will past slow

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