Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Day 5 - 27 September

Rise and Shine! Day 5 and greetings from Shimonoseki!

After the night at Seinen no le, we packed up and had breakfast before heading back to our rooms to do some room cleaning with our buddies!

After cleaning our rooms and the area, we left the accommodation and headed to Port of Muji! 
At Port of Muji, we went shopping again and brought many souvenirs back for our family! 

It was around lunch time and we head to Port of Shimonoseki and visited their famous wet market and had fresh sushi while enjoying the view! 

Soon, it was time to leave and head back to college. It was an another 2 hour journey back to the college. On the way back to the college, many of us were so tired and slept throughout the way back. 
After reaching back at the college around evening, we had dinner at the dormitory canteen and went back to our rooms to rest after the long travel. 

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