Sunday, October 13, 2013

Day 4!

09 October 2013

In the morning, we woke up to see the devastation that the typhoon has caused overnight. It was something of an eye opener for many of us, as Singapore does not have such natural disasters that would wreck our shores. We were lucky that we are only on the outer circle of the path that the typhoon was taking, therefore, the devastation was kept to the very minimum.

Late in the morning, we finally moved back to the Oshima-maru, and began our safety drills that was required before every journey. We then had lunch, before we returned on board Oshima-maru and familiarize ourselves with the equipments on board the vessel, in preparation for our journey the very next morning. 

Devastation made by the typhoon
Mr Sugimoto

Before welcoming dinner!

Various Oshima lecturers in charge

During briefing on board Oshima-maru


Vignesh, Yasuko, Sayaka, Mizuho, Syahmi during welcoming dinner!

Mr Naung with the ship officer!

Preparing the Komatsu route before the Welcoming Dinner

Relaxation time after dinner

SMA Group Photo after the safety drill!

Token of appreciation to the Chief Engineer of Oshima-maru

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