Friday, October 17, 2014

Day 2

Rise and shine! The weather in Oshima is great. The typhoon had left us by now and we were greeted with a beautiful sunrise from the land of the rising sun.

Clean Homes. Clean Earth
Before we began our day, we cleaned the ship as it was going to be our home for the week. Domestics is compulsory everyday while on board.

SMA group photo with Oshima Maru
A hearty breakfast at the college's cafeteria
After breakfast, we made off to the college's library to meet up with Airi and Nodoka, two other students from the college who would be accompanying us to our trip to Hiroshima.

Our first stop in Hiroshima was the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum. It was a very poignant visit where each of us reaffirmed the fact that war is a horrible tragedy.

Grisly photos of the atomic bomb explosion in Hiroshima

We set off to the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park after the museum. Pictured is the Memorial Cenotaph. The epitaph reads, in English, "Let all the souls here rest in peace for we shall not repeat the evil."

The Children's Peace Monument

The Hiroshima Peace Memorial
The Hiroshima Peace Memorial, more commonly known as the Genbaku Dome, one of the few structures that were left standing after the atomic blast.

A group shot at Hiroshima Castle

We had lunch at a local udon eatery at Hiroshima and it was really delicious! The noodles were really tasty and chewy. ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ 

 おいしい !
Ft. Mitsuhiro
After shopping for a bit in town, we grouped back at a conveyor belt sushi restaurant for dinner!
It was really really good!
With out stomachs filled with delicious sushi, we headed back to Oshima. We really enjoyed what Hiroshima had to offer us with.

Night skies of Hiroshima
Our day wasn't yet however! When we got back to the ship, we spent our remaining time before curfew practicing our song for our welcome dinner.

On to the next day!

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