Thursday, November 29, 2012


I would like to thank Mr Sugimoto, Mr Koichi, Professor Yoshidome, captains, chief engineers and the cadets onboard Oshima maru. Also not forgetting teachers from ONCMT bringing us around Japan and also help us to translate. Thank you for guiding the SMA students along the way. Without your help, we would not learn as much.

Also, thank you Oshima students for making the effort in everything, in guiding us when we were lost and taught us Japanese too. We really appreciate it a lot. Those memories we had together are unforgettable though we only knew each other for less than a week. I am really glad to know each and every one of you and hope to see you all soon!  

& last but not least...

A big thank you to Mr David Tay for taking good care of us in that one week. It is not easy to take good care of 8 students when we were in Japan. Thank you for helping and educating us along the way. Thank you for selecting us to go Oshima with you. I believed that each and every one of us had a very good experience and good memories in Oshima. Lastly I am sorry that we had brought you any trouble and had to make you worry about us.  

Also, not forgetting about TEAM OSHIMA!

4 students from Nautical Studies and 4 students from Marine Engineering. Not knowing one another from the start, had meetings 2months before the Oshima trip and here comes the actual trip. Although we only know one another for a short period of time, this trip had brought all of us together. Thank you for putting all your efforts in this trip. Lastly, thank you for all the fun, laughter and joy we had in this trip. :) You all are an awesome team, Team Oshima.     

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