Sunday, October 18, 2015

Day 4, Kobe Shore Leave

A beautiful day awaits. It was the day we would be walking around the streets of Kobe, and a bit of shopping :-) Turn out was at 0630 for some morning exercise. We had breakfast after, then we proceeded for leaving of anchorage~

Rise and shine!
Morning stretch

Now it's time to raise the anchor~

Fwd Station


We have finally arrived in Kobe, on 7 October @ 1030. It's now time for cleaning before we can proceed for our shore leave~ We first visited the Kobe Maritime Musuem which was really fun! Then came lunch. After that we went to the Kobe Port, and the view was simply amazing! It was really a day of fun.  

Sailing ships

Kobe Maritime Musuem
Picture before lunch~
Waiting for our turn!

After lunch, we went to the Kobe Port, where the scenery was just breathtaking~

Kobe Port
Beautiful scenery :)

After visiting Kobe Port, we all went into different groups to roam freely around the streets of Kobe. Elly and I, together with some of the Japanese students had so much fun and laughter throughout the day. Thank you for bringing us around with patience. After the tiring day walking around, it was time to return to Oshima Maru by @ 2100.  Lights out came after. To more adventures the next day~

The nights in Kobe, it was a very cooling night~
Sayonara :)

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