Monday, October 8, 2018

Oshima 2018 Day 2

1st October 2018 ~ Monday

Hi friends!

To start of the second day of our trip, we headed to the school's dormitory to have our breakfast.

Pre breakfast picture

After breakfast, we went back to take our luggages and headed to Oshima-Maru.

Welcome to Oshima Maru

At Oshima-maru we were introduced to our buddies/group mates.

Moe , Alissa and Taku 

Mayu and Moe
We were then given a tour on the ship's bridge, engine room and fore & aft station.

Aishah, Mayu, Fazirah, Taku and Moe

Foreward station

We then head back to the college to join the students with their lessons. We had English class where we took the chance to performe our skit & dance performance as extra rehearsal for the opening ceremony.

Mao explaining about our skit 

Class picture

Fazirah and some japanese students

Mao and his new fan club

Following to that, we headed to a Laser cutting workshop where we got the opportunity to make our very own keychains.

After that we headed to the tea ceremony held by the school's very own tea ceremony club.

With the school's tea ceremony club

Also, they gave us a tour of their school library & there was also English book available for the students to read. We then were introduced to the international students of the college.

Finally it was time for the opening ceremony/welcome dinner. We then did our performancex & exchange gifts and we received Oshima college's caps.

Director of Oshima college with Capt Glenn

Happy with our new caps 

After that long  and fulfilling day, we head back to Oshima Maru to have a rest.

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