Monday, October 8, 2018

Oshima 2018 Day 3

2nd October 2018 ~ Tuesday
Hello friends!

Today is the 3rd day!

Rise and shine! Started our 3rd day with morning cleaning. We were each assigned a role & from this, we are all able to maintain the cleanliness on board Oshima Maru.

We were then greeted by ( Mr Yukihira ) where he played with us some class games & we then taught the Japanese students how to do our dance performance. They really loved our dance performance & wanted to learn it from us!

Hehe ! 

We then headed to the college to try out their simulator & from there our friend Taku, taught us how to steer the helms & how to respond to the orders given.

In the simulator 

After that, we got to board the school's boat and we cruised around the island ! Really fun time !

Ramadan and Min reenacting the scene from titanic


Enough of cruising, we wanted to get into the water hence we did some kayaking with the students there!

After all that water activity, our stomachs were growling so we headed to our go to store '' popular '' to get some dinner.

Mass room 

Phew that was tiring, time to call it a day. Good night !

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