Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Oshima 2018 Day 4

3rd October 2018 ~ Wednesday

Hi friends! The 4th day of the trip has arrived! We started the morning with cleaning as usual and then had our morning exercise. 

Stretching time !

Following to that, we were going to set sail on board Oshima Maru. Everyone was given their task & stations & from there we set off.

We all then did our appointed duties as stated on the schedule. Some of us had to report to the forward station, while some had to report to the bridge. Those stationed at the forward station had to be in their boiler suit, while those reporting to the bridge had to be in their uniform. The engine students were stationed at the engine room with the chief engineer and first engineer. All the duties were supervised by the crew and officers on board & they were very helpful and teaching us many many things. This made it a safe environment for us to work.

At the bridge 

In the engine room
The highlight of the day would be when we did anchoring at 3 different position. It was a good experience as we got to see how to anchor was heaved and launched etc.

Foreward station

Gwen with Moe and Aishah

First engineer with Alissa , Anggun and Mayo 

After that we headed back to Oshima.  We couldnt sail to the scheduled plan due to some technical issues on board, but nonetheless we were very happy to sail around the coastal. We had our lunch on board & had was taught some lifeboat drill &  how to launch the rescue boat with the help of a crane. Also we got to ride on the rescue boat as well.

Launching of the rescue boat

& then prepared to get dinner elsewhere. We took the bus to the restaurant and had some western food for dinner.

Capt Glenn excited for his first bus ride in Oshima

After our delicious dinner, we headed back to our training ship & called it a day. Very satisfied!

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