Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Oshima 2018 Day 5

4th October 2018 ~ Thursday

Hi friends! Its the 5th day of our trip & we're dreading for time to go slower..... We're having lots of fun & learning many things as days goes by & its sad that we're going off in a few days. NO :(

As usual, we started the morning with cleaning and morning exercises! We all headed to our assigned stations after the morning routine & was ready for embarkation. Today we will be doing anchoring again.

Did a bit of morning exercise while waiting for the engine to start up 

In the bridge
After coasting, we went back to Oshima & watch a Taku and his friend from the life savers club ( sea ) perform a rescue mission on the jet ski. We also got to ride on the jet ski! It was very cool!

Mao having fun at the back 

Then we went back to the ship & had our closing ceremony. We were given certificates by the captain & then we changed out of our boiler suit for our trip to Yanai. We took the bus and then the train to Yanai and walked through houses specially painted in white. We also visited a soy sauce factory and then headed to our friend's Moe family shop where we had some japanese deserts.

Train station pictures :D

Following to that, we went to the supermarket & did some snack shopping. We then had a good 20 minute walk to the sushi restaurant because we were all craving for some sushi :( But it was a good walk because the sushi there was good and fresh! After having our stomachs filled, we made our way back to Oshima - Maru. 

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