Monday, September 16, 2024



Through this camp, I learnt more about sustainability and the UNSDGs. This allowed me to truly see the how the connections between partnership among all countries will help to achieve the UNSDGs. Given the chance, I would definitely wish to further expand my knowledge about the UNSDGs together with the students I met during my journey in Japan.

This camp was a great experience where I got to meet new people and learn from different cultures. Spending three days on a ship was exciting and gave me a fresh perspective on life at sea. The week was a perfect mix of having fun and learning new things.

This trip has taught me many things. For example, it taught be how to socialise with people from different backgrounds who speaks different languages and also it taught me how to operate engine. It was also the first time I knew a hybrid ship existed as I have never been taught about it in school. The trip also helped me experience an unforgettable experience where I was able to live onboard a ship, live in a dormitory and best part is that there were friends made along the way. Friends from there are the best friends I have ever made although it's only been a short 7 days, the friends we made will last forever.

On the first day, I had regrets and second thoughts on coming on this trip. But after everything, I only wish that the camp had been longer than it was. I met many great people and formed connections with the other international students. Overall, it was a great experience that I would want to relive again, and I cannot wait to revisit Japan and meet my new friends!

This camp has been extremely memorable for me. I have made so many new friends from different backgrounds. The ship training gave me insights to my future as a deck officer as well as a better perspective on what goes on in the engine room and engine control room. I learned a lot more about UNSDGs and how different countries are working towards these goals. I truly appreciate everyone who has made this trip possible, and I would love to go again! 

Sunday, September 15, 2024

DAY 8 (flying back to Singapore ๐Ÿ›ซ๐Ÿ›ฌ)

 Home sweet home

We arrived in Singapore! After the long flight and amazing adventure we had in Japan Oshima Kosen. Farewell everybody!

Saturday, September 14, 2024


 Iwakuni castle

On our last day in Japan, we visited the Iwakuni Castle! Many katanas from the olden days were displayed in it and there was a binocular on the highest floor for sight-seeing!


We departed from Oshima Kosen and made our way to Iwakuni castle. Afterwards we bid farewell to Japanese, Taiwanese and the Philippines students. Many emotions were felt throughout the farewell. Till we meet again everyone!

Friday, September 13, 2024



We received our awards and certificates! Afterwards we had a very fun photo taking with everybody!! It was a great session as all these photos stays as great memories๐Ÿ˜

Thursday, September 12, 2024



When we reached Miyajima we were greeted by kawaii DEERS!!! There were so many of them and it was so amusing to see them roaming freely around the park๐Ÿ˜†

We also went to walk around in the Miyajima shrine. We had our fortunes told and Ian got very good fortune!! keep it up๐Ÿ‘

Wednesday, September 11, 2024


 Captain Zaara! 

Today we had everyone to go around the Oshima Maru and take a look at the engine control room, the deck and the bridge! We had the opportunity to try out the items provided at the bridge which was breathtaking!

Hiroshima peace memorial

Today we arrived at Hiroshima! First thing that took place when we arrived was to visit the Hiroshima peace memorial, it was truly amazing to see all the items that was displayed since the Hiroshima bomb tragedy. We also took a group photo with everybody!

Tuesday, September 10, 2024


 Campus Tour

we had our amazing tour around the Campus today! We were amazed by the technology made by the lecturer and students. Everybody had many questions as we could not keep our excitement, especially Ian. Ian was enthusiastic about the items as it took him by shock as it was the first time he saw the items!


Ian was having SOO much fun with the VR headset. He was playing the back-office game and he was dizzy afterwards๐Ÿ˜‚ Overall he gave the game a 8/10 rating as it was so real!

Monday, September 9, 2024



Enjoying lunch with our new friends from Taiwan!!! Pleasure meeting them! They were so friendly and easygoing ๐Ÿ˜ They could speak good English as well and we were very happy while eating. Talking and laughing, that’s what’s important; communication!

Part One: To the rescue!!

PWC Training!! (Personal Watercraft Training) 

We had our PWC training today afternoon and believe me, it was so fun, and we all learned so much from it! In this picture you can see me (Terry) rescuing our dear friend Ian who had fell into the sea๐Ÿ›Ÿ! Leave no man behind, to the rescue!

We also have Archana rescuing Hanna!! What a great bond built between our group and Japanese students! Thats what we like to see

Part Two: Welcome to Cutter training!

We had our cutter training today! We were taught how to get the boat moving and that synchronicity is VERY important to make our boat fast! We also had the club members to help us and guide us along the way as we roll the boat. As from what we can tell you, these people are AMAZING! They were so friendly and skilled which made the experience even more incredible๐Ÿซจ

Group photo!

To mark the end of the fantastic day we had, we got together to take a group picture! 

Sunday, September 8, 2024

DAY 1 (arrived in ๐Ÿš)

Landed in Oshima 

We FINALLY landed in Iwakuni and arrived at Oshima College after a tough 12-hour journey. But it was worth it!! First sighting of Oshima was a pleasant scenery. 


Solar Power Plant

Oshima dormitory building

Orange Field near Oshima

Sighting of Oshima Maru!

 Behold! Oshima Maru training vessel! Literally a true beauty ๐Ÿ˜ Loved how the new vessel is posing!!

Saturday, September 7, 2024

DAY 0 (flying over ๐Ÿ›ซ๐Ÿ›ฌ)

Take-off from Singapore 

Flight day! We are all excited for the trip and have packed all the things we will need for the fun filled activities in the schedule shared. :)

This is Keane's luggage! First to be prepared, impressive!

This is Ian's luggage! From the looks of it, it looks like a fun sized luggage. How cute!!! 

This is Terry's luggage! Looks boring as it is, simple and minimalistic, impressive! What can I say? I don't expect less

Guess who's this luggage belongs to? Of course, it's Zaara's. Fantastic packing, second to finish packing, we have our top 2, impressive!

Archana's Luggage!!! Our leader WOOHOOO way to go! All black! Simple and fashionable.

Checked In to Changi Airport!!!

 We checked in our baggage! Took a group picture at GUCCI because we are classy! hehe

Onto our first flight Singapore to Haneda airport!!

Saturday, August 31, 2024


Introducing the SMA students going to Oshima in 2024

Hi everyone, we're glad to announce that the Kosen Global Camp is finally back after being suspended due to Covid-19. Going on this trip, we have three Diploma in Nautical Studies (DNS) students and two Diploma in Marine Engineering (DMR) students. 

First up, we have Archana Chandra, the team leader and photographer 

Hello everyone!! My name is Archana Chandra, I am in Year 1 DNS.

I look forward to this trip and am excited to meet the friends I have made through the three pre-training meetings we've had. I enjoy travelling, sports and eating ๐Ÿ˜‹

Next, we have Zaara!

Hi, I’m Zaara! I am in Year 1 DNS

I’m really looking forward to this trip and I know it’s going to be an exciting and memorable experience for all of us. I love going on adventures, going to concerts and playing sports, such as volleyball!

Followed by Keane

Hey, I'm Keane :D I am in Year 1 DNS

I'm really looking forward to getting to know new people and learn about other cultures. 

I love reading, gaming and origami, among other things. I hope this will be a meaningful and exciting trip for all of us! ๐Ÿฅน

And Terry, the blogger for this trip

Hi, I’m Terry! I am in Year 2 DMR.

I’m really looking forward to this trip because I know it's going to be an absolute exciting journey for all of us as we work together and make friends. I enjoy gaming, playing music instrument and also strolling in nature!

Last but not least, Ian!!

Hi, I'm Ian, I am in Year 2 DMR, and I'm thrilled to be here on this trip! 

I enjoy playing football, reading, and clubbing in my free time. I'm eager to connect and contribute to this trip. Looking forward to learning and growing together!

Group Picture ๐Ÿ˜

After all our documents were submitted, approved and our flights were confirmed, we met up for a group photo in July.  

Team Bonding Day

Whew, End of Semester Tests are finally all complete! ๐Ÿ˜Š

Met at 12pm at Dhoby Ghaut and grabbed lunch at GYOGYO! Had delicious meals but portions were so little… Anyways we also went to watch a movie at the nearest cinema which was Alien Romulus. Movie was very nice to watch except that some of them did not like it as it was very gory. Majority gave the movie a 10/10! Afterwards we went to Starbucks to do work which was fantastic. Ian was working on the SMA presentation slides, Zaara, Keane, Archana and I were working on sustainability slides and we all also answered the quizzes Mr. John had tasked us to do! Overall, it was a fun bonding day with everyone!!

Team Bonding Day (Part 2)

With the trip being just two days away, we met up once more to finalize our work and catch up. We met at a lovely cafe today called Zall's Bookstore and the place was so fancy and minimalistic! Ian also ordered a tea which was very expensive, but he said it was the best tea he had which was great! Meanwhile I worked on the sustainability slides and blogging while Zaara and Archana were helping Ian to do the excel sheet Mr. John had sent us. Unfortunately, Keane was not here due to external reasons and could not participate in this meeting at this lovely place. After working on the slides, excel sheet and blog, we had left the place to go our separate ways. Sayonara!

Meeting with Captain Raj

Today, we had a meeting with Captain Raj to ask for his advice on our presentation materials for the trip. We presented to him our slides on sustainability, as well as the slides on SMA. Previously, we all thought the slides were alright. However, with his valuable insights, he provided us with feedback from an alternative viewpoint. Our slides were too concentrated with words. To the people whom these slides were to be presented to, our deck of slides would be to them as hieroglyphs are to us. Hence, the solution became clear: show, not tell. Hence, with Captain Raj’s kind assistance, we were allowed to visit the Navigation Simulation room again to take many pictures that would help to illustrate the content in our slides. We also spent some time taking pictures around SMA, as well as some research on pictures on the UNSDGs and the Singapore Green Plan for the slides on sustainability. All in all, Captain Raj’s invaluable help made our trip to school worth it. We now have 2 decks of slides that we hope are both easy to understand and yet portray exactly what we mean. A picture is worth a thousand words, as they say.

group photo at SMA office!!

Keane trying out the simulator 

Ian shocked at the map๐Ÿคฏ