Lecture on SDGs (Partnership)
This lecture was the most memorable for me (archana) because the lecture was conducted in Japanese. The Japanese students were tasked to translate the lecture to us. This was a fantastic opportunity for them to put into practice the English they had learned. On the first they, many of them shared that one thing they want to accomplish during this is trip is to improve their English. The lecture was more about the history of Japan and some of their historical figures and their significance.
Final Presentation on SDGs!
We were given some time to prepare slides to present on sustainability in Singapore, Japan and in SMA. I worked with the Japanese students to learn more about sustainability in Japan. This made me realise that Singapore and Japan have adopted similar measures such as a ban on plastic straws and a charge for plastic bags when purchasing goods in supermarkets. I also learned a lot more about what Philippines and Taiwan is doing to reach their target SDGs.
Our Japanese friends presenting confidently in English!! good job guys!
We ended our presentation by reciting the SP Green Pledge!!
Certificate Presentation
We received our awards and certificates! Afterwards we had a very fun photo taking with everybody!! It was a great session as all these photos stays as great memories😍
Tour of Oshima City Malls
At Youme Town Yanai, my friends and I went to a local donut shop. I got the mochi donut and custard puff which were so delicious, or in Japanese, Oishi!! I also tried their bubble tea, a favorite of mine. After, we also got some Baskin Robbins ice-cream!! it was so good, Ian got two scoops😋
We also visited a big supermarket, Mr. Max Yanai-Shop.
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