Saturday, September 7, 2024

DAY 0 (flying over πŸ›«πŸ›¬)

Take-off from Singapore 

Flight day! We are all excited for the trip and have packed all the things we will need for the fun filled activities in the schedule shared. :)

This is Keane's luggage! First to be prepared, impressive!

This is Ian's luggage! From the looks of it, it looks like a fun sized luggage. How cute!!! 

This is Terry's luggage! Looks boring as it is, simple and minimalistic, impressive! What can I say? I don't expect less

Guess who's this luggage belongs to? Of course, it's Zaara's. Fantastic packing, second to finish packing, we have our top 2, impressive!

Archana's Luggage!!! Our leader WOOHOOO way to go! All black! Simple and fashionable.

Checked In to Changi Airport!!!

 We checked in our baggage! Took a group picture at GUCCI because we are classy! hehe

Onto our first flight Singapore to Haneda airport!!

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